About : The God of Bollywood
Website: http://www.shahrukhkhan.org/ (Fan site -- features my interview as well)
How it happened : Interview with Shahrukh Khan
Interview Date: March 27, 2007
Place: KBC Set, Film City (Goregaon) , Mumbai
Pics: Shahrukh Khan and the KBC Experience
Nikhil Taneja (NT) : So how does it feel making a foray back into television after a gap of more than a decade?
Shahrukh Khan (SRK): Well, actually its really not about coming back to TV. For me now, over the years, its just become just performing in any kind of media. And television is obviously not at all the way it used to be when I used to act on television and the formats I acted in were completely different from the ones I’m doing now. So there is no comparison in mind, I mean I cant do any wrong kind of comparison. But just working for the television industry has been very fine. I think it’s a lot more organized because I think it is time bound – episodes have to go on time and its very professionally handled and this set of team from Synergy and Star is really nice. So its great fun! It can be a very hectic show but its not because its organized so.
NT : Knowing the legacy left by Amitabh Bachchan, what was your very first reaction when Star offered you KBC 3?SRK : See I don’t want to deride or undermine the status of anybody. But see I am an actor in my own right and I do my job and if I was to give a thought about what has been done before then the job becomes that much tougher. I have to do my job as I do. So I have never thought of it, really. I mean, as a job, I get a role, and Im called upon to play it. I HAVE done roles in films which other actors have not done. So it was another role some other anchor or person was not willing to continue with. Once I was told that Mr. Bachchan was not doing it, for me its like just going ahead and continuing on the way I would do it. I don’t know if I’d do better or worse, but it’s a job and I have to do it and I’ll do it to the very best of my ability.
SRK : I don’t know, I mean everyone says that. I have been doing the show in exactly the same way. I think, initially, because, you know, it’s a new thing everyone gets more into details and looks into it that way. And I think the initial response was that the show is not good enough. So that could not have made me feel better! I don’t know what it is, I think its just maybe finally it is as natural as the more often you do it, the easier you get with it. So that could be the case. But as far as I am concerned, really, I mean, when I have seen the first few episodes, I have found them as good or bad as the ones Im doing right now.I really find no difference in the way I am conducting them, what I sense when I am doing it. But obviously the viewers point of view is important and if somebody felt that it was not so good I am happy its happened now. But it wasn’t because of the response. Im just like I said, I just go out there and try and do my best every show. And if the initial response is anything to go by, I thought everyone thought it wasn’t so good. I didn’t go by that. I just did what I thought – I believed it. And I think my belief was that I will try to reach out to as many people as I can and I think that I can and I think that finally is happening and that’s why it looks easy and nice.
NT : Perhaps the one major difference in the previous format and the present one is that while it seemed that one was an invited guest at a elite gathering with Mr. AB, you give the feeling of being at home, the one-amongst-friends feeling. Was this a ploy of Star or is this a flavour you brought about yourself?
SRK : I think I have said this before, its because of the way I am. I am of a different generation and I conduct myself like that. I have a different personality and that personality comes through and I think it goes to the team of star and synergy. They were very clear. They brought me on to bring in a personality which is different. And anyway Mr.Bachchan’s personality is a unique personality – you cant have it. So its not like a ploy. It’s the way I am. And that’s what makes the program the way it is. And now has been a long time so I don’t even remember how I have done MY first few episodes let alone how the older one was done really to tell you… the fact. So it wasn’t like a concerted effort to change it. Because the show is the same, the format is exactly the same, there is no change in that.
NT : You practiced pretty hard with the mock Hot Seat at your place. Were the pukka-pukka, kachcha-kachcha, the hugs, the freeze its, the naming of the computer a result of the suggestions during these interactions? Who gave what suggestions and what was the work of your genius?
SRK : No, no, I am not a genius at all, I am just an actor who does what I am told to do. I think Siddharth and they’ve got a good team of Tanya, Sharmishta, Aditi and all the guys who work backstage and you know they’ve been giving inputs. I would say something and they’d pick on words and say ok, we can use it, let’s try. They would make a list and give it a shot. And then we tried it through the music video. We tried some of the terms in the music video. And it felt that kk-pp would work. And it felt that there was another word called ‘Kaboosh’, which I have not used… I mean, I have not used it at all. So let’s see if that works, I may try it in the last episode. So I think it’s a collective team effort. It’s not really I came up with any idea. I don’t think I have come up with any idea! KBC does not need any more ideas, its already got such wonderful ideas!
SRK : I don’t want to sound pompous but I don’t follow suggestions. I don’t follow suggestions because see, I am a professional actor. And I’ve been doing the job for 20 years. I am not trying to shoot down anybody’s suggestions. But there are a lot of things that happen while you are performing that need to be considered. And some of the suggestions, even if they are good, they are practically impossible. But like, some of the suggestions, initially that my wife gave – That at the stand up position, I speak too loud, maybe I should tone it down and things like that, you know. Where one doesn’t need to enact out a few bits – because the screen is very close and small and it would make it seem closer. But those are bits and pieces which happen anyways once you see a few episodes of yourself. But Otherwise, the suggestions I have taken are only from the creative seats involved, who know how to make KBC. And of course, feedback keeps coming in. People would say please give a goodbye kiss to every kid when you do it, talk to your wife, you know those bits. Whenever they come naturally, we do it. It’s not forced into the program ever.
SRK : I think no one can present the program until the environment is completely in control like it is in the control of Synergy team and Star team. To be really honest, I don’t want to even lessen the importance of anchoring a show but I think, anybody can do this show. The ease with which the team helps you, I think anyone can do the show. It’s no big deal really. It seems like a big deal when you start, but to be really honest, I think the team makes you so easy and so comfortable that you don’t really need to do anything but follow instructions which are given to you. Yes, it is highly skillful, the whole job. It has to be kept edited properly. But I think the set of people who work on the show from its inception –writing to its editing and final presentation – takes care of 80% of things. So whatever happens on the show, really, I think, it cannot be given credit to one person – ever – not to the producer, not to the director, not to the cameraman, not to the anchor, not to the contestants; it has to be given to the whole team. And that’s what everyone in the team will tell you.
SRK : I think the more scary one is being on the hot seat and answering questions, for anyone. That is one of the reasons I think in a certain sense I try and make the program easier and easy going, because it’s a very difficult situation. You are first time perhaps coming in front of millions of people. There is a huge viewership, you have never put on make up, you have never spoken in a mike, there are 16 cameras aimed at you, you are sitting in front of a movie star and then there are going to be 15 questions and one wrong move and your life can completely change in the negative direction. So there a lot of unknowns and undone things that you come on the seat with – the atmosphere, the audience live and you are very scared that you don’t make a fool of yourself. So it is very difficult to sit on the contestant’s seat. I think the hot seat - the host part of it is an easier job to do. I prefer doing that. I mean, maybe if I am ever called upon to sit on the contestant’s seat, I will. But, I would do it. If I’ll change tomorrow and somebody else wants to invite me as a guest I would be most happy to come because of my old-now association with KBC. But the less strenuous job is being the host.
SRK : Oh it’s wonderful to meet people who are coming from scheme of things which are not you know, like ours, which is a world which is a bit unreal. We sell dreams, so we live in that atmosphere on the sets. I hardly get to meet people unless I am doing a live shoot and here I am doing a live shoot every 7-8 days a month and that’s great fun! And, you know, Getting to know people, finding out their problems, getting to understand simple things in life mean so much to so many. And perhaps one has lost touch with that. So it brings you in touch with reality and I think that can only improve me as an actor also in my upcoming films.
SRK : It wasn’t especially for them. We had some guests from the Cancer Assoiciation. And, I love children. I would not like to talk about a disease really. But it’s not out of any kind of, you know, goodness that I do this, but they are children and I pray for their long life that they grow up to be healthy adults and do our country proud and the world proud. And I just love them. And it’s a little unfortunate that they are suffering at this point of time. And whenever, whether its KBC or any other shoot, whenever anyone comes to meet me who is a little unhealthy, I like to spend time with them and pray for them.
SRK : Sometimes I feel very bad that you know a person is playing well , has prepared well and sometimes you get an unlucky break in a question. Sometimes you get a question which is just not a part of your – everybody cant be knowledgeable about everything. And sometimes the youngsters especially, I feel need to be encouraged. You know, the fact that they havemade it here amongst lacs and lacs of people. They have come in on the hot seat, they are going great guns and one question can suddenly change things around. So this whole trip of one question can change your life – it can change it either ways. You could be winning 1 crore and suddenly you go down to 6 lacs 40 thousands. So I just feel bad for some people. When I say bad, I don’t mean it in a sympathetic way. I just feel that, you know, maybe they deserve to know that losing is not the end of it all. It means you can get up and do something more in life. And, you know, if somebody encourages you and says that okay, so you didn’t win today but here is an encouragement, that you know, you can do better in life again. And I think to youngsters that is important.
NT : Tell us something interesting about KBC 3 that we don’t already know.
SRK : I think the most interesting part of KBC 1, 2 and 3 is the behind the scenes how it is done. I think it is a great organizational and well oiled machine kind of a system and one needs to do a kind of a write up on that more than anything else. What goes behind making KBC – not the host part, but every other part. How the machine works, the music comes online, the editing he lighting is done, how it is preprogrammed and how everyone is running around to get it as well oiled as possible. I think that’s the most interesting part of KBC.
SRK : It’s just meeting about 100 people. You know, each one of them has been really special. Some have been more special than the others just because they’ve been funny or charming or rude. I have really enjoyed. I have really enjoyed being in touch with people. I think the memory would remain that every moment I have to think of something to say which falls into place and makes the show look a little seamless and easy. And that as an actor is a big challenge.
SRK : Well, there was Googila because he was amongst the first few. Then there were two ladies, two teachers, who were wonderful. One of them was really nice with lovely eyes. And I forget, I am bad with names so unfortunately I don’t remember their names. Then There was another lady recently, well mannered. Young boys. There was this boy who won, I think 12 n a half lakh rs. And Two days ago there was another boy. These youngsters, who won I think 25 lakh rs. I mean These are really good people. I like them well mannered, well informed and you know ready to smile and laugh at life attitude. And There are some others also. But it’s been good, I think I can now remember 10-15 of them quite vividly.
day to manage?
SRK : No on KBC actually its how I am normally except that I am better dressed than I am in real life. I have to wear a suit etc. because it’s a formal evening shoot. But beyond that its how I am. And people anyway blame me that even in my films I am like how I am. So Theres not much I do as an actor. I just come and do my, you know, say my lines and go back home. That’s not like a big deal. There have been days, not too many, but maybe 3-4 days, where I’ve had to extend myself but that’s a part of my job and I really enjoy it actually.
SRK : I don’t think there is any such thing as Shahrukh Khan the person. Shahrukh Khan the person himself is Shahrukh Khan the actor or the anchor. Whatever I do, I think it’s an extension of me. I am just being me and there are times when I do feel bogged down by the work but I have never come close to being ‘lost’. Shahrukh Khan the person is what his wife sees him as, what his kids see him as, what the film industry sees him as and what the country sees him as.
SRK : One can keep on thinking whether one deserves or doesn’t deserve but when it happens, it’s always a surprise and a big honour as well. I’m just happy that it’s a recognition of a part of the film industry because I am an integral part of the film industry. I’m also happy my kids haven’t seen Madame Tussauds and it would be nice to take them there and show them and they might think that their father has done some good work in life! So I am very thrilled, I think it’s quite a surprise and I am very happy to be a part of Madame Tussauds.
SRK : I think I’ll have to take some time off and I am not seeing time off for the next two months. But I think close to the summer holidays I think I can work a bit on it. That’s when I’ll get time to work on it. There’s another book coming on me by Anu Chopra which is anyway quite detailed. So I don’t know if people would be interested in a third book which is written by me about my life. It’s not like I am a good writer. Let’s see, there is no hurry. I still have a lot of life to live
NT : Finally, tell us a little bit about your two releases this year – Om Shanti Om and Chak De
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